I walk along the tight rope of life
Placing one foot in front of the other
In small strategically placed steps

Above me the ominous clouds
Rush past wreaking their havoc
Upon my teetering frame

The torrential rain beats down
The cold dampness makes me tremble
And I find it difficult to stand

The lightening rips at the sky
Blinding me till I can no longer
See the wavering rope before me

The wind whips around me
Causing my hair to lash at my face
Bringing tears to my stinging eyes

Below me are swirling rapids
Waiting in hunger should my steps falter
Whose origin is my own stream of pain

But I see God's radiant face
In the distance urging me forward
So I continue with my struggle

Knowing that though my steps are small
With each one I am that much closer
To the secure warmth of His loving embrace

© 7/10/99




Page Created July 1999.